100 Cars That Changed History

tn_74-Mitsubishi_Lancer_1973_-_79_Hyde_Park_in_FallMitsubishi Lancer 1973 – 79 Hyde Park in Fall” by Charles01Own work. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.


74. Mitsubishi Lancer 1973-present Japan

The Lancer, or as it has also been sold in different countries at varying times: the Colt Lancer, Dodge/Plymouth Colt, Chrysler Valiant Lancer, Chrysler Lancer, Eagle Summit, Hindustan Lancer, Soueast Lioncel, Mitsubishi Mirage, Mitsubishi Galant Fortis, and Mitsubishi Lancer Fortis, is a popular compact sports car made by Mitsubishi Motors since 1973. The Lancer has a long and successful history as a rally car. This superb performance and handling combined with its amazingly affordable pricing has made the Lancer a long time worldwide consumer favorite. To this day over 6 million units have been sold. Through its many, many iterations, styles, and packages, the Lancer continues to be a dominating giant in the sports compact market.


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